Suriving Secondary School

This is my first ever blog!! Rocking Media for the first time ( and hoping it goes well)

Saturday 9 March 2013

First draft (Front Page)

I am really happy with the beginings of my magazine. I think i have found the perfect picture that works well with the front page and also with the colour scheme. I had a bit of difficulty getting the masthead as perfect as i wanted it, however it worked out well as the masthead fits perfectly with the page and i like the way my image overlaps the masthead, just in the 'o'.
I didn't realise until after editing the picture that Amina's nails were not fully painted and then I was left with the choice to either edit over the them to make them clear or leave them as a symbol to my audience. I decided to keep the nail because it sends a different representation of the my model to the audience. It says to the audience that amina is a real person much like the readers.

1 comment:

  1. I like the image and I really like the way her fingers touch the disco ball
