Suriving Secondary School

This is my first ever blog!! Rocking Media for the first time ( and hoping it goes well)

Monday 10 December 2012


To meet the deadline, I have to plan out everything I want to do for my music magazine so that I can acheive everything that I want easily.

Deadline: 22th March 2013

Date: 11th to 17th February 2013

  • Layout Designs
  • Textual Analysis
  • Plan Photoshoot
  • Magazine Comparisons
  • Questionaires
  • Music Magazine Research ( Genre popularity,Circulation etc)
  • Colour Samples
  • Treatment sheet
Date: 18th to 22nd February 2013
  • Plan photoshoot
  • Take photos
  • Edit pictures on Photoshop
  • Select Best Pictures
  • Final Layout design
  • Plan Magazine/Article content
Date: 23th to 1st March 2013
  • Front cover
  • Drafts!!
  • Final Research
  • Gather audience response
  • (Complete unfinished work from before)
Date: 2nd March to 8th March 2013
  • Make Contents page and Double page spread.
  • Start Evaluation
Date: 8th March to 22nd March 2013
  • complete all outstanding work and any research
  • Perfect EVERYTHING!!

FINISHED!!!!!!!!!! :)


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