Suriving Secondary School

This is my first ever blog!! Rocking Media for the first time ( and hoping it goes well)

Friday 7 December 2012


   Hi Everybody

   Welcome to my brand new blog. This is my Media AS blog, where i will be posting all my finding and research about my studies of Print Media and other areas of the media that i will be following over the course of the year. So far we have looked up in close detail the concepts of TV Drama, but now we are moving on to examining Print Media, which is the area of the media that i find most interesting and is an area that i hope to pursue in the future. So this part of the subject and also this blog is vital to my increasing education. It been interesting to learn so far the different codes and conventions that are involved in Magazines and thier different genres such as Teen Magazines. Previously, i hadnt realised before that such minimal things such as the colour of the fonts or the positioning of the model could have such an effect on the reader and it has come as a suprise at the effect that the media can have on society without even realising it.

I  hope you enjoy my findings!!

Speak soon!!

Montaz !! :)

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