Deciding how to set my magazine is really important. The layout of the magazine is meant to indicate the purpose and genre of the magazine. For Example, Sugar magazine would be layed completely differently to The Radio Times as they are meant to be attracting a different target audience. The layout has to encoporate both size, colour, graphic and font appropiate to the style of the magazine. This means that any mistakes can have a huge impact on pricing and audience popularity. I am planning to not only do a double page spread, but a double page contents page, to showcase even more of my features!!
Layout Design One!!
I like this one because i think the image and the positioning of the writing makes the genre really clear.
Layout Design Two!!
This layout, i think is more typicial of a music magazine, particularly with the positioning of the pictures.
Layout Design Three!!
Even though these are just rough designs, it's still difficult to choose which I should use. They all have good and bad qualities to them.
I think I prefer your layout designs for number 2