Suriving Secondary School

This is my first ever blog!! Rocking Media for the first time ( and hoping it goes well)

Friday 19 April 2013

Evaluation VI

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you fell you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

What i learnt from the transition from the preliminary to the full product, is that there is a lot more details to creating a magazine that has much more of an effect on the reader, than i had previously realised. And also how long the magazine process actually was. The code and conventions of a magazine are really important to show the genre and to show the target audience directed to. I dont think that I understood that with the preliminary task, which is why it looks more like a picture with words on it rather than a magazine.

i also learnt what an impact that the image has upon the reader when your first look at the magazine. On the preliminary my picture was quite dark and there was no direct address so the cover wasn't very attractive, whereas with the real thing was bold, bright and the actual gesture of the model actually attracted the reader into wanting to read the magazine.

What is definiately clear is that i have improved greatly, with my skill both in creating and editing pictures and also in using different technologies to create the images.

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