Suriving Secondary School

This is my first ever blog!! Rocking Media for the first time ( and hoping it goes well)

Thursday 18 April 2013

Evaluation III

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Adobe Photoshop

This was one of the technologies that i used quite regularly for my photos. I had used it previously before for my photography but i had never used it to the degree that i had used it when creating my media magazine. Photo shop is a 'graphic editing programme' ( source: which allows you to manipulate, style and improve your pictures, through a variety of different tools and applications.

Front Page

Before                                         After

I did my entire front page on photoshop, along with the preliminary task and the planning of the main magazine and this just proof of how effective the programme actually is. This programme enhanced my pictures to make them look even more proffessional. And above all, it was suprisingly easy to use, as many of the tools are fashioned in such a way that it becomes immediately obvious what they do. Tools like the magic wand tool which i had never used before allowed me to move elements of a picture from one part to another and have it actually look like a real picture.


Google blooger is a blog publishing service that allowed me to present all the findings and creations of my music magazine. I had never used a blog before and  i was amazed to learn how eay it was to use. There were lots of helpful tools that made it easier to both present your findings and also to connect with the audience and find out what they are thinking. This could be achieve in tools such as the polls which give me an exact idea as to what is popular and what isn't a good idea.

i also learnt about the freedom it gave you as a blooger which was a lot. It allows you to literally write whatever you want, giving you total control over what you put on your blog. It is so free that it doesn't even have spell check ( which isn't as useful for a hopeless speller). And in this freedom, i learnt that i was able to show all my work as a journey from start to finish clearly.

Microsoft Publisher...

This is a software the focuses on mainly the page layout for stuff like advertising and marketing. Its designed to make texts etc look much more interesting. What was amazing about this software is that it already has some templates made out for you ( despite the fact that they weren't appropriate for the magazine) such a banners and posters. The software as a whole was really easy to use, with loads of tools to help you make you magazine. I made my Double Page Spread and my Contents page on publisher and the programme was really helpful as it provided guidelines to help my magazine look nice and neat and proffessional. What i definitely learnt about publisher is that it doesn exactly what you want it to.

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